Saturday, December 16, 2006

Human Migration

The interest began in the summer of 2006. Well, it existed before that as well, but that's another story.
So it seems there are dudes out there who are trying to map down the entire sequence of human migrations from Africa to now almost the entire world.

The story:
* Ice age begins. Most humans and human-like folks perish as ice covers most of the Earth.
* Now, some 10,000 or so of them survive in Southern Africa.( Yes.. thats how close we were you tiger hunters! )
* Switch back to 75 TYN ( TYN is a term i cooked up just now to mean Thousand years from now ). These guys start moving out of Africa.
* Lots of details you won't want to read here.

Now, those of you who are Indians should be particularly interested in the eventual results of this genome study going on. All our castes are a result of the way our religions and societies dealt with the problem of different kinds of populations co-exiting and merging.
So the entire concept of marrying within one's caste is not just a tradition we follow. It has strong political ( read RACIAL ) significance.

More of that in some later post.

My theory:
tribes found in chhattisgarh , andaman etc are part of that initial push ( 60TYN )
10TYN: Dravidian type races move in from the north west..
3TYN to 1.5TYN: Aryan type races move in from the north west. They have the obvious advantage of horses and iron tech .. so are able to dominate the resulting social framework.
from then on till 1400AD.. movements from the west, the north east etc keep happening.
Then thers the whole quesiton of whether some of our religious trends made us a weak nation. ( Buddhism etc ). But that too for later

abhi itna hi

Friday, December 15, 2006

Acting skills..

Theatre acting in particular , and generally any kind of acting seems at the first look a very simple task. There are lines. Learn them up - speak them out. With the right emotions ofcourse. And the right volume. And diction. And feel. And who the heck writes those lines?

A good regime to get yourself going will be the following:
Ask yourself the following questions. Give a 0 for a NO. A 1 for a YES.
* Am I bad at speaking the language i'm supposed to act in?
* Is Kareena Kapoor my favorite actress?
* Was I the most soft spoken bloke in class?
* Will i die at 4 hrs a day sleep?
* Is my face totally expressionless?

Any non-zero score implies a non-fit person.

Any swagger in the walk can be worked on. What we also have to work on is understanding emotions/expressions and be able to match them together. For example, in my second play, my diro noticed that what I believed was "thoughtfulness" no my part was looking more a detective's "look" ! we called it the "Sherlock"

Looking down too much, or above ppls' heads is another common imperfection. Again, workable.

Volume is workable as well. But only till a point. In comes the concept of projection and being able to speak out of ur lungs instead of the throat directly. Perform in an auditorium as weird as BITS Pilani and u'll need a lot of those projection skills.

abhi itna hi..